FDA Warns of Dangerous Hand Sanitizers


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded its list of hand sanitizer products that may be dangerous because they contain a type of alcohol called methanol, also known as wood alcohol.

The active ingredient in most hand sanitizers is a different type of alcohol known as ethanol, sometimes called ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is considered generally safe. Methanol, however, is toxic and extremely dangerous when absorbed through the skin or accidentally ingested. It has caused blindness, comas, seizures, nausea, vomiting, and in some cases even death. 

The FDA has been testing products available in the marketplace and maintains a list of products that test positive for methanol and therefore should not be purchased or used. Please use the link below to read the FDA’s statement on this important issue and to view the list of dangerous products. This list, on the FDA website, is searchable.  

What is particularly disturbing is that some of the toxic brands have false information on the label that may wrongly indicate that the product is made with ethanol, but when tested contains methanol. Some products also indicate that they are FDA approved, which is impossible as the FDA does not provide such approvals. 

The Coalition for Hemophilia B supports the FDA’s efforts and joins them in strongly encouraging all consumers to consult this list and avoid purchasing or using any product listed. People who have been exposed to one of these products and are experiencing symptoms should seek immediate medical treatment for possible methanol poisoning. 

Consumers are reminded that regular hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is still one of the best ways to avoid contracting the COVID-19 virus or spreading it to others. When soap and water is not available, the use of acceptable hand sanitizers (i.e., those made with ethanol and not on this list) is still the best alternative and should not be avoided.

The Coalition for Hemophilia B will continue to share new information and updates as they become available.

Additional Resource: FDA expands list of potentially deadly hand sanitizers (CNN)


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