Women and Hemophilia B

Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Episode 4: An interview with Dr. Danielle Nance

Dr. Danielle Nance is a hematologist specializing in treating and managing bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia. What sets her apart in the medical community is her personal experience with hemophilia A, a condition she herself has. This unique perspective allows her to understand her patients' challenges more deeply, and she uses this insight to improve clinical care and advocate for better treatment options.

🌟 Episode Overview: In this episode of Boundless B, Dr. Nance explores the importance of community and advocating for yourself for women living with hemophilia B. Discover some practical tips to make sure your voice is heard.

Made in partnership with Balancing Life’s Issues

Sponsored by Medexus.


Alternative Funding Programs


Enhancing Mental Health in Hemophilia B